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EXCITING NEWS--CryoKING Crown Manages Samples of National Museum of Natural Science

After the comprehensive evaluation, National Museum of Natural Science (Taiwan) select�ed CryoKING biobanking management system to manage its enormous samples. Based on the informatization, automation and modularization of CryoKING, National Museum of Natural Science realizes the all-around upgrade of sample management.


As one of the most heavily attended museums in Taiwan, and one of the most attended venues in Taichung, the Museum is in the distinguished company of the National Palace Museum in Taipei and the National Science and Technology Museum in Kaohsiung. Over 50 permanent exhibit areas covering subjects on astronomy, space science, paleontology, ecology, gems and minerals, human cultures, tropical plants, and geology. Every year, the Museum stores enormous global plant seeds and root samples, especially the endangered plants. With the increasing number of samples to be stored, traditional artificial management cannot longer fit the requirement of efficient sample management. Therefore, the Museum faces challenge of managing trillions of samples safely and efficiently.

Low efficiency, tedious operation, low security and other defects all hold back the development of biobanks. In order to solve and end these defects, as the supplier of complete biobanking solutions, Biologix launched CryoKING Crown, the complete biobanking management software which is safe, highly efficient and advanced. Customized solutions, professional consulting service, and efficient after-sale serviceCryoKING Crown will increase the efficiency of biobanking management. 

Based on core services of intelligent, informatization modularization, big data storage and customization, CryoKING Crown biobanking management software will improve the sample information management of the Museum, and the sample storage and management will be promoted significantly.

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